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LMQ3321-PC+ Transceiver 100G 500m QSFP28 DR1 Transceiver

The LMQ3321-PC+ is a QSFP-28 Optical transceiver for 100Gb/s optical links. It is compliant with the QSFP-28 MSA specifications. It operates at 53.125GBaud/s up to 500m over single-mode fiber.

Part Number Package Interface Reach Temp Fiber Type Wavelength Rate Tx Output Rx Input
LMQ3321-PC+ QSFP28 MPO 500m C Single-mode 1310nm 100Gb/s -2.9~4dBm -5.9~4dBm

• High performance computing interconnect                      

• Data center

4 independent electrical input/output channels

1 optical input/output channels

LC optical connector

Hot Pluggable

500m link on SMF single-mode Fiber

QSFP-28 MSA Compliance

Case Operating Temperature:

Commercial: 0 to 70ºC

RoHS II Compliance